Minor compaction (with Size Tiered) will only purge tombstones if all fragments 
of a row are contained in the SSTables being compacted. So if you have a long 
lived row, that is present in many size tiers, the columns will not be purged. 

>  (thus compacted compacted) 3 days after all columns for that row had expired
Tombstones have to get on disk, even if you set the gc_grace_seconds to 0. If 
not they do not get a chance to delete previous versions of the column which 
already exist on disk. So when the compaction ran your ExpiringColumn was 
turned into a DeletedColumn and placed on disk. 

I would expect the next round of compaction to remove these columns. 

There is a new feature in 1.2 that may help you here. It will do a special 
compaction of individual sstables when they have a certain proportion of dead 
columns https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-3442 

Also interested to know if LCS helps. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 17/01/2013, at 2:55 PM, Bryan Talbot <btal...@aeriagames.com> wrote:

> According to the timestamps (see original post) the SSTable was written (thus 
> compacted compacted) 3 days after all columns for that row had expired and 6 
> days after the row was created; yet all columns are still showing up in the 
> SSTable.  Note that the column shows now rows when a "get" for that key is 
> run so that's working correctly, but the data is lugged around far longer 
> than it should be -- maybe forever.
> -Bryan
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Andrey Ilinykh <ailin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To get column removed you have to meet two requirements 
> 1. column should be expired
> 2. after that CF gets compacted
> I guess your expired columns are propagated to high tier CF, which gets 
> compacted rarely.
> So, you have to wait when high tier CF gets compacted.  
> Andrey
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Bryan Talbot <btal...@aeriagames.com> wrote:
> On cassandra 1.1.5 with a write heavy workload, we're having problems getting 
> rows to be compacted away (removed) even though all columns have expired TTL. 
>  We've tried size tiered and now leveled and are seeing the same symptom: the 
> data stays around essentially forever.  
> Currently we write all columns with a TTL of 72 hours (259200 seconds) and 
> expect to add 10 GB of data to this CF per day per node.  Each node currently 
> has 73 GB for the affected CF and shows no indications that old rows will be 
> removed on their own.
> Why aren't rows being removed?  Below is some data from a sample row which 
> should have been removed several days ago but is still around even though it 
> has been involved in numerous compactions since being expired.
> $> ./bin/nodetool -h localhost getsstables metrics request_summary 
> 459fb460-5ace-11e2-9b92-11d67b6163b4
> /virtual/cassandra/data/data/metrics/request_summary/metrics-request_summary-he-386179-Data.db
> $> ls -alF 
> /virtual/cassandra/data/data/metrics/request_summary/metrics-request_summary-he-386179-Data.db
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 sandra sandra 5252320 Jan 16 08:42 
> /virtual/cassandra/data/data/metrics/request_summary/metrics-request_summary-he-386179-Data.db
> $> ./bin/sstable2json 
> /virtual/cassandra/data/data/metrics/request_summary/metrics-request_summary-he-386179-Data.db
>  -k $(echo -n 459fb460-5ace-11e2-9b92-11d67b6163b4 | hexdump  -e '36/1 "%x"')
> {
> "34353966623436302d356163652d313165322d396239322d313164363762363136336234": 
> [["app_name","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["client_ip","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["client_req_id","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["mysql_call_cnt","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["mysql_duration_us","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["mysql_failure_call_cnt","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["mysql_success_call_cnt","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["req_duration_us","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["req_finish_time_us","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["req_method","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["req_service","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["req_start_time_us","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"], 
> ["success","50f21d3d",1357785277207001,"d"]]
> }
> Decoding the column timestamps to shows that the columns were written at 
> "Thu, 10 Jan 2013 02:34:37 GMT" and that their TTL expired at "Sun, 13 Jan 
> 2013 02:34:37 GMT".  The date of the SSTable shows that it was generated on 
> Jan 16 which is 3 days after all columns have TTL-ed out.
> The schema shows that gc_grace is set to 0 since this data is write-once, 
> read-seldom and is never updated or deleted.
> create column family request_summary
>   with column_type = 'Standard'
>   and comparator = 'UTF8Type'
>   and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and read_repair_chance = 0.1
>   and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
>   and gc_grace = 0
>   and min_compaction_threshold = 4
>   and max_compaction_threshold = 32
>   and replicate_on_write = true
>   and compaction_strategy = 
> 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.LeveledCompactionStrategy'
>   and caching = 'NONE'
>   and bloom_filter_fp_chance = 1.0
>   and compression_options = {'chunk_length_kb' : '64', 'sstable_compression' 
> : 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.SnappyCompressor'};
> Thanks in advance for help in understanding why rows such as this are not 
> removed!
> -Bryan

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