I tried to run with tracing, but it says 'Scanned 0 rows and matched 0'.
I found existing issue on this bug
I made a d-test for reproducing it and attached to the ticket.


On 2 February 2013 23:00, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:
> Can you run the select in cqlsh and enabling tracing (see the cqlsh online
> help).
> If you can replicate it then place raise a ticket on
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA and update email thread.
> Thanks
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 1/02/2013, at 9:03 PM, Alexei Bakanov <russ...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've found a combination that doesn't work:
> A column family that have a secondary index and caching='ALL' with
> data in two datacenters and I do a restart of the nodes, then my
> secondary index queries start returning 0 rows.
> It happens when amount of data goes over a certain threshold, so I
> suspect that compactions are involved in this as well.
> Taking out one of the ingredients fixes the problem and my queries
> return rows from secondary index.
> I suspect that this guy is struggling with the same thing
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-4785
> Here is a sequence of actions that reproduces it with help of CCM:
> $ ccm create --cassandra-version 1.2.1 --nodes 2 -p RandomPartitioner
> testRowCacheDC
> $ ccm updateconf 'endpoint_snitch: PropertyFileSnitch'
> $ ccm updateconf 'row_cache_size_in_mb: 200'
> $ cp ~/Downloads/cassandra-topology.properties
> ~/.ccm/testRowCacheDC/node1/conf/      (please find .properties file
> below)
> $ cp ~/Downloads/cassandra-topology.properties
> ~/.ccm/testRowCacheDC/node2/conf/
> $ ccm start
> $ ccm cli
> ->create keyspace and column family(please find schema below)
> $ python populate_rowcache.py
> $ ccm stop  (I tried flush first, doesn't help)
> $ ccm start
> $ ccm cli
> Connected to: "testRowCacheDC" on
> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT
> Type 'help;' or '?' for help.
> Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
> [default@unknown] use testks;
> Authenticated to keyspace: testks
> [default@testks] get cf1 where 'indexedColumn'='userId_75';
> 0 Row Returned.
> Elapsed time: 68 msec(s).
> My cassandra instances run with -Xms1927M -Xmx1927M -Xmn400M
> Thanks for help.
> Best regards,
> Alexei
> ------ START cassandra-topology.properties ----------
> default=DC1:r1
> ------ FINISH cassandra-topology.properties ----------
> ------ START cassandra-cli schema -----------
> create keyspace testks
>  with placement_strategy = 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'
>  and strategy_options = {DC2 : 1, DC1 : 1}
>  and durable_writes = true;
> use testks;
> create column family cf1
>  with column_type = 'Standard'
>  and comparator = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType'
>  and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>  and key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>  and read_repair_chance = 1.0
>  and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
>  and gc_grace = 864000
>  and min_compaction_threshold = 4
>  and max_compaction_threshold = 32
>  and replicate_on_write = true
>  and compaction_strategy =
> 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'
>  and caching = 'ALL'
>  and column_metadata = [
>    {column_name : 'indexedColumn',
>    validation_class : UTF8Type,
>    index_name : 'INDEX1',
>    index_type : 0}]
>  and compression_options = {'sstable_compression' :
> 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.SnappyCompressor'};
> -------FINISH cassandra-cli schema -----------
> ------ START populate_rowcache.py -----------
> from pycassa.batch import Mutator
> import pycassa
> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('testks', timeout=5)
> cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'cf1')
> for userId in xrange(0, 1000):
>    print userId
>    b = Mutator(pool, queue_size=200)
>    for itemId in xrange(20):
>        rowKey = 'userId_%s:itemId_%s'%(userId, itemId)
>        for message_number in xrange(10):
>            b.insert(cf, rowKey, {'indexedColumn': 'userId_%s'%userId,
> str(message_number): str(message_number)})
>    b.send()
> pool.dispose()
> ------ FINISH populate_rowcache.py -----------

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