Are vnodes on by default. It seems that many on list are using this feature
with small clusters.

I know these days anything named virtual is sexy, but they are not useful
for small clusters are they. I do not see why people are using them.

On Monday, February 11, 2013, aaron morton <> wrote:
>  So when you say to do this with a “clean” setup, what are you asking me
to do?
> Yup
> clear /var/lib/casssandra/data /commitlog /saved_caches
> start the cluster
> use nodetool ring
> You may also want to play with to create a
local 3 node cluster to see the difference. Note that the updateconfig
setting cannot remove a config setting, so you will need edit the yaml for
the nodes.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> On 12/02/2013, at 7:57 AM, wrote:
> Aaron, thanks for your feedback.
> .125
> num_tokens: 256
> # initial_token:
> .126
> num_tokens: 256
> #initial_token:
> .127
> num_tokens: 256
> # initial_token:
> This all looks correct.  So when you say to do this with a “clean” setup,
what are you asking me to do?  Is it enough to blow away /var/lib/cassandra
and reload the data?  Also destroy my Cassandra install (which is just
un-tar) and reinstall from nothing?
> Stephen Thompson
> Wells Fargo Corporation
> Internet Authentication & Fraud Prevention
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