You should probably be using system.nanoTime() not
system.currentTimeInMillis(). The user is free to set the timestamp to
whatever they like but nano-time is the standard (it is what the cli uses,
and what cql will use)

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Keith Wright <> wrote:

> Sorry, typo in code sample, should be:
> ssTableWriter.newRow(StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("20101201"));
> Composite columnComposite = new Composite();
> columnComposite.setComponent(0,5,IntegerSerializer.get());
> columnComposite.setComponent(1,10,IntegerSerializer.get());
> ssTableWriter.addColumn( 
> CompositeSerializer.get().toByteBuffer(columnComposite), null, 
> System.currentTimeMillis() );
> From: Keith Wright <>
> Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:32 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Bulk loading into CQL3 Composite Columns
> You do not want to repeat the first item of your primary key again.  If
> you recall, in CQL3 a primary key as defined below indicates that the row
> key is the first item (key) and then the column names are composites of
> val1,val2.  Although I don't see why you need val2 as part of the primary
> key in this case.  In any event, you would do something like this (although
> I've never tested passing a null value):
> ssTableWriter.newRow(StringSerializer.get().toByteBuffer("20101201"));
> Composite columnComposite = new Composite();
> columnComposite(0,5,IntegerSerializer.get());
> columnComposite(0,10,IntegerSerializer.get());
> ssTableWriter.addColumn(
> CompositeSerializer.get().toByteBuffer(columnComposite),
> null,
> System.currentTimeMillis()
> );
> From: Daniel Morton <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:06 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Bulk loading into CQL3 Composite Columns
> Hi All.  I am trying to bulk load some data into a CQL3 table using the
> sstableloader utility and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to
> use the SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter with composite columns.
> I have created this simple contrived table for testing:
> create table test (key varchar, val1 int, val2 int, primary key (key,
> val1, val2));
> Loosely following the bulk loading example in the docs, I have constructed
> the following method to create my temporary SSTables.
> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>    final List<AbstractType<?>> compositeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
>    compositeTypes.add(UTF8Type.instance);
>    compositeTypes.add(IntegerType.instance);
>    compositeTypes.add(IntegerType.instance);
>    final CompositeType compType =
>       CompositeType.getInstance(compositeTypes);
>    SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter ssTableWriter =
>       new SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter(
>          new File("/tmp/cassandra_bulk/bigdata/test"),
>          new Murmur3Partitioner() ,
>          "bigdata",
>          "test",
>          compType,
>          null,
>          128);
>    final Builder builder =
>       new CompositeType.Builder(compType);
>    builder.add(bytes("20101201"));
>    builder.add(bytes(5));
>    builder.add(bytes(10));
>    ssTableWriter.newRow(bytes("20101201"));
>    ssTableWriter.addColumn(
>          ByteBuffer.allocate(0),
>          System.currentTimeMillis()
>    );
>    ssTableWriter.close();
> }
> When I execute this method and load the data using sstableloader, if I do
> a 'SELECT * FROM test' in cqlsh, I get the results:
> key      | val1       | val2
> ----------------------------
> 20101201 | '20101201' | 5
> And the error:  Failed to decode value '20101201' (for column 'val1') as
> int.
> The error I get makes sense, as apparently it tried to place the key value
> into the val1 column.  From this error, I then assumed that the key value
> should not be part of the composite type when the row is added, so I
> removed the UTF8Type from the composite type, and only added the two
> integer values through the builder, but when I repeat the select with that
> data loaded, Cassandra throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the
> ColumnGroupMap class.
> Can anyone offer any advice on the correct way to insert data via the bulk
> loading process into CQL3 tables with composite columns?  Does the fact
> that I am not inserting a value for the columns make a difference?  For my
> particular use case, all I care about is the values in the column names
> themselves (and the associated sorting that goes with them).
> Any info or help anyone could provide would be very much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Daniel Morton

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