On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Kirk True <kirktrue...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What will it take for C* to support 50,000 column families?

As I understand it, a (the?) big problem with huge numbers of Column
Families is that each ColumnFamily has a large number of MBeans associated
with it, each of which consume heap. So.. a lot fewer MBeans per column
family and/or MBean stuff not consuming heap? Then you still have the
problem of each CF having at least one live Memtable, which even if empty
will still consume heap...

I'm thinking the real answer to "what it will take for C* to support 50k
CFs" is "a JVM which can functionally support heap sizes over 8gb" ...
which seems unlikely to happen any time soon.


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