Ok! Thanks!

2013/7/3 Richard Low <rich...@wentnet.com>

> On 3 July 2013 22:18, Sávio Teles <savio.te...@lupa.inf.ufg.br> wrote:
>> We were able to implement ByteOrderedPartition on Cassandra 1.1 and
>> insert an object in a specific machine.
>> However, with Cassandra 1.2 and VNodes we can't implement VNode with 
>> ByteOrderedPartitioner
>> to insert an object in a specific machine.
> You don't have to use vnodes in Cassandra 1.2 - set num_tokens to 1 to
> disable.
> Richard.

Sávio S. Teles de Oliveira
voice: +55 62 9136 6996
Mestrando em Ciências da Computação - UFG
Arquiteto de Software
Laboratory for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications (LUPA) - UFG

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