I want to fetch all the row keys of a table using CQL3:

select id from mytable limit 9999999

For this query, does the node need to wait for all rows return from all
other nodes before returning the data to the client(I am using astyanax) ?
In other words, will this operation create a lot of load to the initial
node receiving the request?

if my table is big, I have to make sure the limit is set to a big enough
number, such that I can get all the result. Seems like I have to do a
count(*) to be sure....
is there any alternative(always return all the rows)?

if my id is a timeuuid, is it better to  combine the result from couple of
the following cql to obtain all keys?
select id from mytable where id t < minTimeuuid('2013-02-02 10:00+0000')
limit 20000
select id from mytable where id t > maxTimeuuid('2013-02-02 10:00+0000')
limit 20000


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