> Does anyone have opinions on the maximum amount of data reasonable to store 
> on one Cassandra node?
spinning disk and 1Gbe networking, rule of thumb was 300Gb to 500GB. 

SSD or very fast local disk, 10Gbe networking, optionally JBOD, cassandra 1.2 
and vnodes people are talking about multiple TB's per node. 

>  If there are limitations, what are the reasons for it?   

The main issues were:

* As discussed potentially very long compaction
* As discussed repair taking a very long time to calculate the merkle trees. 
* Potentially taking a very long time to rebuild a new node after one totally 
fails. vNodes address this by increasing the number of nodes that can stream 
data to one bootstrapping. This is really something that has to fit into your 

Hope that helps. 
Aaron Morton
Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 27/07/2013, at 5:00 AM, Robert Coli <rc...@eventbrite.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Romain HARDOUIN <romain.hardo...@urssaf.fr> 
> wrote:
> Do you have some fairly complex queries to run against your data? 
> Or your need is just to store large pieces of data? (In which case Object 
> Storage like OpenStack Swift could be more appropriate IMHO)  
> Or distributed blob storage like MogileFS.
> https://code.google.com/p/mogilefs/
> =Rob

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