Hi all,

We are migrating from C* 1.0.6 to 1.1.12 and after reading DataStax 
documentation (http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.1/install/upgrading) we are 
a bit confused. 
The section "Completing the Upgrade", step 6, points out:

    If you are upgrading from Cassandra 1.1.3 or earlier to Cassandra 
1.1.5 or later, skip steps 7 and 8 of this procedure and go to Completing 
the upgrade from Cassandra 1.1.3 or earlier to Cassandra 1.1.5 or later. 
    --> i.e. run an offline scrub

However according to the step 8:

    After upgrading, run nodetool upgradesstables against each node before 
running repair, moving nodes, or adding new ones. 
    If you are using Cassandra 1.0.3 and earlier, use nodetool scrub 
instead of nodetool upgradesstables

So, must we run upgradesstables or an offline scrub?
Thanks in advance for your help,


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