On 8/16/13 9:05 AM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Sergey Leschenko <sergle...@gmail.com
<mailto:sergle...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Is there some list of planned drivers for other programming languages?

I don't know if we have a list somewhere, but we're currently working on
a C/C++ driver and we'd like to make sure that good Ruby, node.js, and
(probably) PHP drivers are also available.  I believe there are some
decent options for node.js already, and various members of the community
have also put together drivers for Clojure, Scala, and Go.

Out of curiosity, did you look at taking the C++ driver and wrapping it with SWIG or something similar for the Python, Ruby drivers? Would the performance be better? I would think with Python, you could maintain a separate C thread for receiving notifications from Cassandra without taking a lock on the GIL.

I realize that having a native Python driver is also nice for simplicity in deployment, but just wondering.


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