For the record: (2.0.1) resolved this
issue for me.

2013/9/8 Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) <>

> Thank you for you reply.
> I will look into this. I cannot not get my head around why the scenario I
> am describing does not work though. Should I report an issue around this or
> is this expected behaviour? A similar setup is described on this blog post
> by the development lead.
> 2013/9/6 Robert Coli <>
>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) <
>>> wrote:
>>> I am struggling with getting secondary indexes to work. I have created
>>> secondary indexes on some fields that are part of the compound primary key
>>> but only one of the indexes seems to work (the one set on the field 'e' on
>>> the table definition below). Using any other secondary index in a where
>>> clause causes the message "Request did not complete within rpc_timeout.".
>>> It seems like if a put a value in the where clause that does not exist in a
>>> column with secondary index then cassandra quickly return with the result
>>> (0 rows) but if a put in a value that do exist I get a timeout. There is no
>>> exception in the logs in connection with this. I've tried to increase the
>>> timeout to a minute but it does not help.
>> In general unless you absolutely need the atomicity of the update of a
>> secondary index with the underlying storage row, you are better off making
>> a manual secondary index column family.
>> =Rob

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