Unfortunately no, as I have a dozen legacy columnfamilies… Since no clear 
answers appeared, I'm going to assume that this is a regression and file a JIRA 
ticket on this.


On 26 Sep 2013, at 08:00, Aaron Morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:

>> > (testc = LOAD 'cassandra://keyspace/testc' USING CassandraStorage();
>> > dump testc
>> foo,{(ivalue,
>> ),(svalue,bar),(value,A)})
> If the CQL 3 data ye wish to read, CqlStorage be the driver of your success. 
> (btw there is a ticket out to update the example if you get excited 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5709)
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
> Apache Cassandra Consulting
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 26/09/2013, at 3:57 AM, Chad Johnston <cjohns...@megatome.com> wrote:
>> As an FYI, creating the table without the "WITH COMPACT STORAGE" and using 
>> CqlStorage works just fine in 1.2.10.
>> I know that CqlStorage and AbstractCassandraStorage got changed for 1.2.10 - 
>> maybe there's a regression with the existing CassandraStorage?
>> Chad
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:51 AM, Janne Jalkanen <janne.jalka...@ecyrd.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Heya!
>> I am seeing something rather strange in the way Cass 1.2 + Pig seem to 
>> handle integer values.
>> Setup: Cassandra 1.2.10, OSX 10.8, JDK 1.7u40, Pig 0.11.1.  Single node for 
>> testing this.
>> First a table:
>> > CREATE TABLE testc (
>>   key text PRIMARY KEY,
>>   ivalue int,
>>   svalue text,
>>   value bigint
>> > insert into testc (key,ivalue,svalue,value) values ('foo',10,'bar',65);
>> > select * from testc;
>>  key | ivalue | svalue | value
>> -----+--------+--------+-------
>>  foo |     10 |    bar |     65
>> For my Pig setup, I then use libraries from different C* versions to 
>> actually talk to my database (which stays on 1.2.10 all the time).
>> Cassandra 1.0.12 (using cassandra_storage.jar):
>> > testc = LOAD 'cassandra://keyspace/testc' USING CassandraStorage();
>> > dump testc
>> (foo,(svalue,bar),(ivalue,10),(value,65),{})
>> Cassandra 1.1.10:
>> > testc = LOAD 'cassandra://keyspace/testc' USING CassandraStorage();
>> > dump testc
>> (foo,(svalue,bar),(ivalue,10),(value,65),{})
>> Cassandra 1.2.10:
>> > (testc = LOAD 'cassandra://keyspace/testc' USING CassandraStorage();
>> > dump testc
>> foo,{(ivalue,
>> ),(svalue,bar),(value,A)})
>> To me it appears that ints and bigints are interpreted as ascii values in 
>> cass 1.2.10.  Did something change for CassandraStorage, is there a 
>> regression, or am I doing something wrong?  Quick perusal of the JIRA didn't 
>> reveal anything that I could directly pin on this.
>> Note that using compact storage does not seem to affect the issue, though it 
>> obviously changes the resulting pig format.
>> In addition, trying to use Pygmalion
>> > tf = foreach testc generate key, 
>> > flatten(FromCassandraBag('ivalue,svalue,value',columns)) as 
>> > (ivalue:int,svalue:chararray,lvalue:long);
>> > dump tf
>> (foo,
>> ,bar,A)
>> So no help there. Explicitly casting the values to (long) or (int) just 
>> results in a ClassCastException.
>> /Janne

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