> Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 23:20:37 +0100 
> Subject: Re: filter using timeuuid column type 
> From: t...@drillster.com 
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org 
> This is because time2 is not part of the primary key. Only the primary  
> key column(s) can be queried with> and <. Secondary indexes (like  
> your timeuuid_test2_idx)  can only be queried with the = operator. 

Actually not true.   Any orderable column can be queried with < or>

The rule the OP's query is breaking is not referring to what *is* in the query,
it is referring to what is *not* in the query  :
it wants one more predicate on an indexed (primary or secondary) column
and with an = operator.

So e.g. if the OP had an index on message
and changed the query to

select * from timeuuid_test2 where time2<now() and message = "hello world";

then it would run  (but of course not very useful as it is a different query!)

Cheers,   John Lumby
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