There's no easy way to do this that I'm aware of.  Snapshots are just
hardlinks to existing SSTable files.  Your best option is probably either
scanning the CF with a normal client or setting up an M/R job.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Turi, Ferenc (GE Power & Water, Non-GE) <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I have a question which I was not able to find the right answer for.
>  What is the best way to backup/restore a set of columns?
> Let’s say we have:
> CF1(a,b,c,d) – a,b,c,d are columns/ original CF we would like to take
> backup from
> CF2(d,e,f,g) – e,f,g are different columns, we would restore data into CF2
> A,b,c,d,e,f,g have the same type. Let’s say text.
> Cassandra version: 1.2.10, 3.1.4 datastax distribution
> The structure which we would like to take backup from differs from the
> restore CF.
> -          Copy from/copy to cannot be used in cqlsh / error: rcp_timeout
> -          Hive /insert overwrite xxx from …. cannot specify columns / I
> don’t want to save all columns and would like to restore into different
> structure.
> So what would be the solution? Is it possible at all?
> Thanks.

Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <>

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