On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Cyril Scetbon <cyril.scet...@free.fr>wrote:

> I saw on http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/modern-hinted-handoff (wrote on
> december 2012) that hints targeting a removed node (our case) are
> automatically removed. However, a compaction has been done on our cf and
> hints for the removed node are still stored. We're using version 1.2.2
> (February 2013). Do you mean by automatically that they will be removed
> after a period of time but not after a compaction ? I see a TTL of 10 days
> added to each row in the hints data file.


> We're using version 1.2.2 (February 2013).

1.2.2 contains serious bugs, upgrade ASAP.

"Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to endpoint"

Doesn't have any meaningful impact, is probably fixed upstream.


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