Hi Guys,

It occurs to me that someone may have done this before and be willing to share, 
or may just be interested in helping work out it.

Assuming a database table where the partition key is the first component of a 
users IPv4 address, i.e. (ip=, part=100) and the remaining three parts 
of the IP address become a 24bit integer.

create table location(
    part int,
    start bigint,
    end bigint,
    country text,
    city text,
    primary key (part, start, end));

// range -
insert into location (part, start, end, country, city) 

// range -
insert into location (part, start, end, country, city) 
values(100,11,200,'US','New York’);

// range
insert into location (part, start, end, country, city) 

What is the appropriate way to then query this? While the following is possible:

select * from location where part=100 and start<=30

What I need to do, is this, which seems not allowed. What is the correct way to 
query this?

select * from location where part=100 and start<=30 and end>=30

Or perhaps I’m going about this all wrong? Thanks!

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