We have the following structure in a composite CF, comprising 2 parts

Key=123  -> A:1, A:2, A:3,B:1, B:2, B:3, B:4, C:1, C:2, C:3,....

Our application provides the following inputs for querying on the
first-part of composite column

key=123, [(colName=A, range=2), (colName=B, range=3), (colName=C, range=1)]

The below output is desired

key=123 --> A:1, A:2 [Get first 2 composite cols for prefix 'A']

                   B:1, B:2, B:3 [Get first 3 composite cols for prefix 'B']

                   C:1 [Get the first composite col for prefix 'C']

I see that this akin to a "range-of-range" query via composite columns. Is
something like this possible in cassandra, may be in latest versions?


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