On 12/02/2013 03:43 PM, Kumar Ranjan wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> I have been using ccm for some time and it's pretty awesome tool to test
> out admin stuff. Now, I really want to test modeling data by trying to
> access ccm running cassandra using Thrift based pycassaShell client from
> remote hosts (not locally). My setup is like this:

In your case, since the ccm cluster nodes are bound to localhost
aliases, you would need to set up routing and port forwarding via
iptables from your public IP ( to the respective localhost
aliases/ports.  ccm is great for local testing, but gets to be a pain if
you wish to do some real testing - not because of ccm, but because now
you want to do something that involves actual multi-host networking with
remote access.  Even easier, in my opinion; if you really want to begin
testing a real cluster with remote access, which will have a lot more
horsepower than everything on localhost via ccm, then spend $15/month on
3x $5/mo. digitalocean nodes.

> How to connect to any of the instance from non-local hosts? When I do:
> pycassaShell --host --port 9160, it throws an exception,
> thrift.transport.TTransport.TTransportException: Could not connect to

Yup.  The nodes are not listening to anything but their localhost alias
IP addresses.

> Is there a way to make it work?

`man iptables`  ;)

Kind regards,

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