> SYSTEM_MANAGER.create_column_family('Narrative','Twitter_search_test', 
> comparator_type='CompositeType', default_validation_class='UTF8Type', 
> key_validation_class='UTF8Type', column_validation_classes=validators)        

CompositeType is a type composed of other types, see 



Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 12/12/2013, at 6:15 am, Kumar Ranjan <winnerd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> So I am creating, column family using pycassaShell. See below:
> validators = {
>     'approved':      'BooleanType',  
>     'text':          'UTF8Type',     
>     'favorite_count':'IntegerType',  
>     'retweet_count': 'IntegerType',  
>     'expanded_url':  'UTF8Type',     
>     'tuid':          'LongType',     
>     'screen_name':   'UTF8Type',     
>     'profile_image': 'UTF8Type',     
>     'embedly_data':  'CompositeType',
>     'created_at':    'UTF8Type',     
> }                                    
> SYSTEM_MANAGER.create_column_family('Narrative','Twitter_search_test', 
> comparator_type='CompositeType', default_validation_class='UTF8Type', 
> key_validation_class='UTF8Type', column_validation_classes=validators)        
> I am getting this error:
> InvalidRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why='Invalid definition for 
> comparator org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType.'              
> My data will look like this:
> 'row_key' : { 'tid' :
> {
>         'expanded_url': u'http://instagram.com/p/hwDj2BJeBy/',
>         'text': '#snowinginNYC!!!! Makes me so happy\xe2\x9d\x840brittles0 
> \xe2\x9b\x84 @ Grumman Studios http://t.co/rlOvaYSfKa',
>         'profile_image': 
> u'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3262070059/1e82f895559b904945d28cd3ab3947e5_normal.jpeg',
>         'tuid': 339322611,
>         'approved': 'true',
>         'favorite_count': 0,
>         'screen_name': u'LonaVigi',
>         'created_at': u'Wed Dec 11 01:10:05 +0000 2013',
>         'embedly_data': {u'provider_url': u'http://instagram.com/', 
> u'description': u"lonavigi's photo on Instagram", u'title': 
> u'#snwinginNYC!!!! Makes me so happy\u2744@0brittles0 \u26c4', u'url': 
> u'http://distilleryimage7.ak.instagram.com/5b880dec61c711e3a50b129314edd3b_8.jpg',
>  u'thumbnail_width': 640, u'height': 640, u'width': 640, u'thumbnail_url': 
> u'http://distilleryimage7.ak.instagram.com/b880dec61c711e3a50b1293d14edd3b_8.jpg',
>  u'author_name': u'lonavigi', u'version': u'1.0', u'provider_name': 
> u'Instagram', u'type': u'poto', u'thumbnail_height': 640, u'author_url': 
> u'http://instagram.com/lonavigi'},
>         'tid': 410577192746500096,
>         'retweet_count': 0
> }                         
> }

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