Hi Guys,

As per the subject, is there any way at all to easily associate small numbers 
in systems where users traditionally associate “bug/request” tickets with short 

In this use case I imagine the requirements would be as follows:
The numbers don’t necessary need to be sequential, just need to be short enough 
for a user to read out loud.
The numbers must be unique.
It doesn’t need to scale, i.e. a typical “request” system is not getting 
hundreds of requests per second.
In an ideal world, we could do away with associating “requests” with numbers, 
but its so ubiquitous I’m not sure you can sell doing away with short number 

I am toying with the idea of a Cassandra table that makes available short 
“blocks” of numbers that an app server can hold “reservations” on. i.e.

create table request_id_block(
    start int,
    end int,
    uuid uuid,
    reserved_by int,
    reserved_until bigint,
    primary key(start,end));

Will having an app server mark a block as reserved (QUOROM) and then reading it 
back (QUOROM) be enough to for an app server to know it owns that block of 

Best regards,

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