I am using pycassa. So, here is how I solved this issue. Will discuss 2
approaches. First approach didn't work out for me. Thanks Aaron for your

First approach:
- Say if column_count = 10
- collect first 11 rows, sort first 10, send it to user (front end) as JSON
object and last=11th_column
- User then calls for page 2, with prev = 1st_column_id, column_start =
11th_column and column_count = 10
- This way, I can traverse, next page and previous page.
- Only issue with this approach is, I don't have all columns in super
column sorted. So this did not work.

Second approach ( I used in production ):
- fetch all super columns for a row key
- Sort this in python using sorted and lambda function based on column
- Once sorted, I prepare buckets and each bucked size is of page
size/column count. Also filter out any rogue data if needed
- Store page by page results in Redis with keys such as
'row_key|page_1|super_column' and keep refreshing redis periodically.

I am sure, there must be a better and brighter approach but for now, 2nd
approach is working. Thoughts ??

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Aaron Morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:

> CQL3 and thrift do not support an offset clause, so you can only really
> support next / prev page calls to the database.
> I am trying to use xget with column_count and buffer_size parameters. Can
> someone explain me, how does it work? From doc, my understanding is that, I
> can do something like,
> What client are you using ?
> xget is not a standard cassandra function.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
> Apache Cassandra Consulting
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 13/12/2013, at 4:56 am, Kumar Ranjan <winnerd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> I need some ideas about support implementing of pagination on the browser,
> from the backend. So python code (backend) gets request from frontend with
> page=1,2,3,4 and so on and count_per_page=50.
> I am trying to use xget with column_count and buffer_size parameters. Can
> someone explain me, how does it work? From doc, my understanding is that, I
> can do something like,
> total_cols is total columns for that key.
> count is what user sends me.
> .*xget*('Twitter_search', hh, column_count=total_cols, buffer_size=count):
> Is my understanding correct? because its not working for page 2 and so on?
> Please enlighten me with suggestions.
> Thanks.

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