Hi David,

  How do you know that you are receiving a seek for each row?  Are you
querying for a specific word at a time or do the queries span multiple
words, i.e. what's the query pattern? Also, what is your goal for read
latency?  Most customers can achieve microsecond partition key base query
reads with Cassanda.  This can be done through tuning, data modeling,
and/or scaling.  Please post a cfhistograms for this table as well as
provide some details on the specific queries you are running.



Jonathan Lacefield
Solutions Architect, DataStax
(404) 822 3487


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 1:41 AM, David Tinker <david.tin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have an app that stores lots of bits of text in Cassandra. One of
> the things I need to do is keep a global word frequency table.
> Something like this:
>   word text,
>   count value,
>   PRIMARY KEY (word)
> );
> This is slow to read as the rows (100's of thousands of them) each
> need a seek. Is there a better way to model this in Cassandra? I could
> periodically snapshot the rows into a fat row in another table I
> suppose.
> Or should I use Redis or something instead? I would prefer to keep it
> all Cassandra if possible.

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