I would do #2.   Take a look at this blog which talks about secondary
indexes, cardinality, and what it means for cassandra.   Secondary indexes
in cassandra are a different beast, so often old rules of thumb about
indexes don't apply.   http://www.wentnet.com/blog/?p=77

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Generally indexes on binary fields true/false male/female are not terrible
> effective.
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Jimmy Lin <y2klyf+w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a simple column family like the following
>> create table people(
>> company_id text,
>> employee_id text,
>> gender text,
>> primary key(company_id, employee_id)
>> );
>> if I want to find out all the "male" employee given a company id, I can do
>> 1/
>> select * from people where company_id=xxxx'
>> and loop through the result efficiently to pick the employee who has
>> gender column value equal to "male"
>> 2/
>> add a seconday index
>> create index gender_index on people(gender)
>> select * from people where company_id='xxx' and gender='male'
>> I though #2 seems more appropriate, but I also thought the secondary
>> index is helping only locating the primary row key, with the select clause
>> in #2, is it more efficient than #1 where application responsible loop
>> through the result and filter the right content?
>> (
>> It totally make sense if I only need to find out all the male
>> employee(and not within a company) by using
>> select * from people where gender='male"
>> )
>> thanks

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