I believe you are being confusing by using both thrift and CQL3. If you
haven't done so, you can try checking blog posts like
http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cql3-for-cassandra-experts and maybe
They might hopefully clear things up.

But basically the error message is correct, 'e1' is not a CQL column
selected by your SELECT statement (it's not part of the select clause) and
in fact, it's not even one of the CQL column of the table as indicated by
your 'SELECT *' in cqlsh. From a CQL point of view, 'e1' is just one value
for the CQL column named 'name'.

Note: none of that as anything to do with the fact you're Snappy
compressing the data you're inserting. As far as Cassandra is concern, all
that is just an opaque blob of data.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 5:51 AM, Check Peck <comptechge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am working on a project in which I am supposed to store the snappy
> compressed data in Cassandra, so that when I retrieve the same data from
> Cassandra, it should be snappy compressed in memory and then I will
> decompress that data using snappy to get the actual data from it.
> I am having a byte array in `bytesToStore` variable, then I am snappy
> compressing it using google `Snappy` and stored it back into Cassandra -
>     // .. some code here
>     System.out.println(bytesToStore);
>     byte[] compressed = Snappy.compress(bytesToStore);
>     attributesMap.put("e1", compressed);
>     ICassandraClient client = CassandraFactory.getInstance().getDao();
>     // write to Cassandra
>     client.upsertAttributes("0123", attributesMap, "sample_table");
> After inserting the data in Cassandra, I went back into CQL mode and I
> queried it and I can see this data in my table for the test_id `0123`-
>     cqlsh:testingks> select * from sample_table where test_id = '0123';
>      test_id | name | value
> ---------+-------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         0123 |   e1 |
> 0x2cac7fff0000012c4ebb95550000001e42797465204172726179205465737420466f722042696720456e6469616e
> Now I am trying to read the same data back from Cassandra and everytime it
> is giving me `IllegalArgumentException` -
>     public Map<String, byte[]> getDataFromCassandra(final String rowKey,
> final Collection<String> attributeNames) {
>         Map<String, byte[]> dataFromCassandra = new
> ConcurrentHashMap<String, byte[]>();
>         try {
>             String query="SELECT test_id, name, value from sample_table
> where test_id = '"+rowKey+ "';";
>             //SELECT test_id, name, value from sample_table where test_id
> = '0123';
>             System.out.println(query);
>             DatastaxConnection.getInstance();
>             ResultSet result =
> DatastaxConnection.getSession().execute(query);
>             Iterator<Row> it = result.iterator();
>             while (it.hasNext()) {
>                 Row r = it.next();
>                 for(String str : attributeNames) {
>                     ByteBuffer bb = r.getBytes(str); // this line is
> throwing an exception for me
>                     byte[] ba=new byte[bb.remaining()];
>                     bb.get(ba, 0, ba.length);
>                     dataFromCassandra.put(str, ba);
>                 }
>             }
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>         }
>         return dataFromCassandra;
>     }
> This is the Exception I am getting -
>     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: e1 is not a column defined in this
> metadata
> In the above method, I am passing rowKey as `0123` and `attributeNames`
> contains `e1` as the string.
> I am expecting Snappy Compressed data in `dataFromCassandra` Map. In this
> map the key should be `e1` and the value should be snappy compressed data
> if I am not wrong.. And then I will iterate this Map to snappy decompress
> the data..
> I am using Datastax Java client working with Cassandra 1.2.9.
> Any thoughts what wrong I am doing here?
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