You could use another column of CAS as a management layer. You only have to
consult it when picking up new rows.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:45 PM, DuyHai Doan <> wrote:

> Great idea for implementing queue pattern. Thank you Edward.
> However with your design there are still corner cases for 2 consumers to
> read from the same queue. Reading and writing with QUORUM does not prevent
> race conditions. I believe the new CAS feature of C* 2.0 might be useful
> here but with the expense of reduced throughput (because of the Paxos round)
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Edward Capriolo <>wrote:
>> I have actually been building something similar in my space time. You can
>> hang around and wait for it or build your own. Here is the basics. Not
>> perfect but it will work.
>> Create column family queue with gc_grace_period=[1 day]
>> set queue [timeuuid()] ["z"+timeuuid()] = [ work do do]
>> The producer can decide how it wants to role over the row key and the
>> column key it does not matter.
>> Supposing there are N consumers. We need a way for the consumers to not
>> do the same work. We can use something like the bakery algorithm. Remember
>> at QUORUM a reader sees writes.
>> A consumer needs an identifier (it could be another uuid or an ip
>> address)
>> A consumer calls get_range_slice on the queue the slice is from new
>> byte[] to byte[] limit 100
>> The consumer sees data like this.
>> [1234] [z-$timeuuid] = data
>> Now we register that this consumer wants to consume this queue
>> set [1234] [a-$[ip}] at quorum
>> Now we do a slice
>> get_slice [1234]  from new byte [] to ' b'
>> There are a few possible returns.
>> 1) 1 bidder...
>> [1234] [a-$myip]
>> You won start consuming
>> 2)  2 bidders
>> [1234] [a-$myip]
>> [1234] [a-$otherip]
>> compare $myip vs $otherip higher wins
>> Whoever wins can then start consuming the columns in the queue and delete
>> them when done.
>> On Friday, January 31, 2014, DuyHai Doan <> wrote:
>> > Thanks Nat for your ideas.
>> >>This could be as simple as adding year and month to the primary key (in
>> the form >'yyyymm'). Alternatively, you could add this in the partition in
>> the definition. Either way, it >then becomes pretty easy to re-generate
>> these based on the query parameters.
>> >
>> >  The thing is that it's not that simple. My customer has a very BAD
>> idea, using Cassandra as a queue (the perfect anti-pattern ever).
>> >  Before trying to tell them to redesign their entire architecture and
>> put in some queueing system like ActiveMQ or something similar, I would
>> like to see how I can use wide rows to meet the requirements.
>> >  The functional need is quite simple:
>> >  1) A process A loads users into Cassandra and sets the status on this
>> user to be 'TODO'. When using the bucketing technique, we can limit a row
>> width to, let's say 100 000 columns. So at the end of the current row,
>> process A knows that it should move to next bucket. Bucket is coded using
>> composite partition key, in our example it would be 'TODO:1', 'TODO:2' ....
>> etc
>> >
>> >  2) A process B reads the wide row for 'TODO' status. It starts at
>> bucket 1 so it will read row with partition key 'TODO:1'. The users are
>> processed and inserted in a new row 'PROCESSED:1' for example to keep track
>> of the status. After retrieving 100 000 columns, it will switch
>> automatically to the next bucket. Simple. Fair enough
>> >
>> >  3) Now what sucks it that some time, process B does not have enough
>> data to perform functional logic on the user it fetched from the wide row,
>> so it has to REPUT some users back into the 'TODO' status rather than
>> transitioning to 'PROCESSED' status. That's exactly a queue behavior.
>> >  A simplistic idea would be to insert again those m users with
>> 'TODO:n', with n higher than the current bucket number so it can be
>> processed later. But then it screws up all the counting system. Process A
>> which inserts data will not know that there are already m users in row n,
>> so will happily add 100 000 columns, making the row size grow to  100 000 +
>> m. When process B reads back again this row, it will stop at the first 100
>> 000 columns and skip the trailing m elements .
>> >   That 's the main reason for which I dropped the idea of bucketing
>> (which is quite smart in normal case) to trade for ultra wide row.
>> >  Any way, I'll follow your advice and play around with the parameters
>> of SizeTiered
>> >  Regards
>> >  Duy Hai DOAN
>> >
>> > On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Nate McCall <>
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>  The only drawback for ultra wide row I can see is point 1). But if I
>> use leveled compaction with a sufficiently large value for
>> "sstable_size_in_mb" (let's say 200Mb), will my read performance be
>> impacted as the row grows ?
>> >>
>> >> For this use case, you would want to use SizeTieredCompaction and play
>> around with the configuration a bit to keep a small number of large
>> SSTables. Specifically: keep min|max_threshold really low, set bucket_low
>> and bucket_high closer together maybe even both to 1.0, and maybe a larger
>> min_sstable_size.
>> >> YMMV though - per Rob's suggestion, take the time to run some tests
>> tweaking these options.
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>  Of course, splitting wide row into several rows using bucketing
>> technique is one solution but it forces us to keep track of the bucket
>> number and it's not convenient. We have one process (jvm) that insert data
>> and another process (jvm) that read data. Using bucketing, we need to
>> synchronize the bucket number between the 2 processes.
>> >>
>> >> This could be as simple as adding year and month to the primary key
>> (in the form 'yyyymm'). Alternatively, you could add this in the partition
>> in the definition. Either way, it then becomes pretty easy to re-generate
>> these based on the query parameters.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> -----------------
>> >> Nate McCall
>> >> Austin, TX
>> >> @zznate
>> >>
>> >> Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Consultant
>> >> Apache Cassandra Consulting
>> >>
>> >

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