JMX stuff is in /conf/

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Kyle Crumpton (kcrumpto) <
> wrote:

>  Hi all,
>  I'm fairly new to Cassandra. I'm deploying it to a PaaS. One thing this
> entails is that it must be able to have more than one instance on a single
> node. I'm running into the problem that JMX binds to My
> question is this: Is there a way to configure this? I have actually found
> the post that said to change the the following
> JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=" where
> is the IP I want to bind to..
> This actually did not change the JMX binding by any means for me. I saw a
> post about a "jmx listen address" in cassandra.yaml and this also did not
> work.
> Any clarity on whether this is bindable at all? Or if there are plans for
> it?
>  Also-
>  I have logging turned on. For some reason, though, my Cassandra is not
> actually logging as intended. My log folder is actually empty after each
> (failed) run (due to the port being taken by my other cassandra process).
>  Here is an actual copy of my log4j-server.properites file:
>  Any idea why this might not be logging?
>  Thank you and best regards
>  Kyle

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