I plan to install 2.0.6 as soon as it will be available in datastax rpm repo.
But how to deal with schema inconsistency on such scale?
best regards

2014-03-11 13:40 GMT+01:00 Duncan Sands <duncan.sa...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Aleksander, this may be related to CASSANDRA-6799 and CASSANDRA-6700 (if
> it is caused by CASSANDRA-6700 then you are in luck: it is fixed in 2.0.6).
> Best wishes, Duncan.
> On 11/03/14 13:30, olek.stas...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've faced an issue with cassandra 2.0.5.
>> I've 6 node cluster with random partitioner, still using tokens
>> instead of vnodes.
>> Cause we're changing hardware we decide to migrate cluster to 6 new
>> machines and change partitioning options to vnode rather then
>> token-based.
>> I've followed instruction on site:
>> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/operations/ops_add_dc_to_cluster_t.html
>> and started cassandra on 6 new nodes in new DC. Everything seems to
>> work correctly, nodes were seen from all others as up and normal.
>> Then i performed nodetool repair -pr on the first of new nodes.
>> But process falls into infinite loop, sending/receiving merkle trees
>> over and over. It hangs on one very small KS it there were no hope it
>> will stop sometime (process was running whole night).
>> So I decided to stop the repair and restart cass on this particular
>> new node. after restart 'Ive tried repair one more time with another
>> small KS, but it also falls into infinite loop.
>> So i decided to break the procedure of adding datacenter, remove nodes
>> from new DC and start all from scratch.
>> After running removenode on all new nodes I've wiped data dir and
>> start cassandra on new node once again. During the start messages
>> "org.apache.cassandra.db.UnknownColumnFamilyException: Couldn't find
>> cfId=98bb99a2-42f2-3fcd-af67-208a4faae5fa"
>> appears in logs. Google said, that they may mean problems with schema
>> versions consistency, so I performed describe cluster in cassandra-cli
>> and i get:
>> Cluster Information:
>>     Name: Metadata Cluster
>>     Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
>>     Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner
>>     Schema versions:
>> 76198f8b-663f-3434-8860-251ebc6f50c4: []
>> f48d3512-e299-3508-a29d-0844a0293f3a: []
>> 16ad2e35-1eef-32f0-995c-e2cbd4c18abf: []
>> 72352017-9b0d-3b29-8c55-ed86f30363c5: []
>> 7f1faa84-0821-3311-9232-9407500591cc: []
>> 85cd0ebc-5d33-3bec-a682-8c5880ee2fa1: []
>> So now I have 6 diff schema version for cluster. But how it can
>> happened? How can I take my cluster to consistent state?
>> What did I wrong during extending cluster, so nodetool falls into infinite
>> loop?
>> At the first sight data looks ok, I can read from cluster and I'm
>> getting expected output.
>> best regards
>> Aleksander

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