*If* you do not need to do range queries on your 'timestam' (ts) column -
*and* if you can change your schema (big if...), then you could move
'timestam' into the partition key like this (using your notation):

PK((key String , timestam int), column1 string, col2 string) , list1 , list
2, list 3 .

Now the select query you showed should execute more consistently.

But of course something else might break...!


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Batranut Bogdan <batra...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Here is the environment:
> I have a 6 node Cassandra cluster. On each node I have:
> - 32 G RAM
> - 24 G RAM for cassa
> - ~150 - 200 MB/s disk speed
> - tomcat 6 with axis2 webservice that uses the datastax java driver to make
> asynch reads / writes
> - replication factor for the keyspace is 3
> (I know that there is a lot of heap but I also have write heavy tasks and
> I want them to get into mem fast) .
> All nodes in the same data center
> The clients that read / write are in the same datacenter so network is
> Gigabit.
> The table structure is like this: PK(key String , timestam int, column1
> string, col2 string) , list1 , list 2, list 3 .
> There are about 300 milions individual keys.
> There are about 100 timestamps for each key now, so the rows will get
> wider as time passes.
> I am using datastax java driver to query the cluster.
> I have ~450 queries that are like this: SELECT * FROM table where key =
> 'some string' and ts = some value; some value is close to present time.
> The problem:
> About 10 - 20 % of these queries take more than 5 seconds to execute, in
> fact, the majority of those take around 10 seconds.
> When investigating I saw that if I have a slow response and I redo the
> query it will finish in 8 - 10 MILIseconds like the rest of the queries
> that I have.
> I could not see using JConsole any spikes in CPU / memory when executing
> the queries. The rise in resource consumtion is very small on all nodes on
> the cluster. I expect such delays to be generated by a BIG increase in
> resource consumption.
> Any comments will be appreciated.
> Thank you.

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