Hi Clint,

I'm guessing you are using vagrant. The thing is cassandra-chef-cookbook
use template cassandra.yaml.erb, where you can find:
"broadcast_address: <%= node[:cassandra][:broadcast_address] %>" which in
turn is equal to "node[:ipaddress]".
Value of node[:ipaddress] depends on how do you configure networking in
vagrant/vbox, with default networking configuration node[:ipaddress] is
equal hence your broadcast_address.
You can setup networking in different way or setup attribute
node[:cassandra][:broadcast_address] manually.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Clint Kelly <clint.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> Has anyone used the Cassandra Chef cookbook
> https://github.com/michaelklishin/cassandra-chef-cookbook and seen
> "broadcast_address:" in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml?  I looked
> through the source code for the cookbook and I have no idea how this is
> happening.
> I was able to fix this by just commenting out the broadcast_address in the
> template for /etc/cassandra/cassanrda.yaml and moving on, but this is
> pretty strange!
> Best regards,
> Clint

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