Also, make sure you're using prepared statements.


> On May 25, 2014, at 1:56 PM, "Jack Krupansky" <> wrote:
> Typo: I presume “channelid” should be “tagid” for the partition key for your 
> table.
> Yes, BATCH statements are the way to go, but be careful not to make your 
> batches too large, otherwise you could lose performance when Cassandra is 
> relatively idle while the batch is slowly streaming in to the coordinator 
> node over the network. Better to break up a large batch into multiple 
> moderate size batches (exact size and number will vary and need testing to 
> deduce) that will transmit quicker and can be executed in parallel.
> I’m not sure Cassandra on a laptop would be the best measure of performance 
> for a real cluster, especially compared to a server with more CPU cores than 
> your laptop.
> And for a real cluster, rows with different partition keys can be sent to a 
> coordinator node that owns that partition key, which could be multiple nodes 
> for RF>1.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> From: Mark Farnan
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Possible to Add multiple columns in one query ?
> I’m sure this is a  CQL 101 question, but.  
> Is it possible to add MULTIPLE   Rows/Columns  to a single Partition in a 
> single CQL 3  Query / Call. 
> Need:
> I’m trying to find the most efficient way to add multiple time series events 
> to a table in a single call.
> Whilst most time series data comes in sequentially, we have a case where it 
> is often loaded in bulk,  say sent  100,000 points for 50  channels/tags  at 
> one go.  (sometimes more), and this needs to be loaded as quickly and 
> efficiently as possible.
> Fairly standard Time-Series schema (this is for testing purposes only at this 
> point, and doesn’t represent final schemas)
>   tagid int,
>   idx timestamp,
>   value double,
>   PRIMARY KEY (channelid, idx)
> Currently I’m using Batch statements, but even that is not fast enough.
> Note: At this point I’m testing on a single node cluster on laptop, to 
> compare different versions.
> We are using DataStax C# 2.0 (beta) client. And Cassandra 2.0.7
> Regards
> Mark.

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