Hi Vasilis,

With regards to Question 2.

*         | How tokens are being assigned when adding a 2nd DC? Is the
range -2^64 to 2^63 for each DC, or it is  -2^64 to 2^63 for the entire
cluster? (I think the latter is correct), *

Have you been able to deduce an answer to this (assuming Murmur3
Partitioner) ?

I'm facing the same problem and looking to do the latter (-2^64 to 2^63 for
the entire cluster) given how nodetool repair isn't multi-dc aware in (

Unfortunately the documentation (
isn't quite clear ("Multiple data center deployments: calculate the tokens
for each data center so that the hash range is evenly divided for the nodes
in each data center.")



On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Vasileios Vlachos <
vasileiosvlac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your responses, Ben thanks for the link.
> Basically you sort of confirmed that if down_time > max_hint_window_in_ms
> the only way to bring DC1 up-to-date is anti-entropy repair. Read
> consistency level is irrelevant to the problem I described as I am reading
> LOCAL_QUORUM. In this situation I lost whatever data -if any- had not been
> transfered across to DC2 before DC1 went down, that is understandable.
> Also, read repair does not help either as we assumed that down_time >
> max_hint_window_in_ms. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> I think I could better understand how that works if I knew the answers to
> the following questions:
> 1. What is the output of nodetool status when a cluster spans across 2
> DCs? Will I be able to see ALL nodes irrespective of the DC they belong to?
> 2. How tokens are being assigned when adding a 2nd DC? Is the range -2^64
> to 2^63 for each DC, or it is  -2^64 to 2^63 for the entire cluster? (I
> think the latter is correct)
> 3. Does the coordinator store 1 hint irrespective of how many replicas
> happen to be down at the time and also irrespective of DC2 being down in
> the scenario I described above? (I think the answer is according to the
> presentation you sent me, but I would like someone to confirm that)
> Thank you in advance,
> Vasilis
> On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Ben Bromhead <b...@instaclustr.com> wrote:
>> Short answer:
>> If time elapsed > max_hint_window_in_ms then hints will stop being
>> created. You will need to rely on your read consistency level, read repair
>> and anti-entropy repair operations to restore consistency.
>> Long answer:
>> http://www.slideshare.net/jasedbrown/understanding-antientropy-in-cassandra
>> Ben Bromhead
>> Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
>> <http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
>> On 30 May 2014, at 8:40 am, Tupshin Harper <tups...@tupshin.com> wrote:
>> When one node or DC is down, coordinator nodes being written through will
>> notice this fact and store hints (hinted handoff is the mechanism),  and
>> those hints are used to send the data that was not able to be replicated
>> initially.
>> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/modern-hinted-handoff
>> -Tupshin
>> On May 29, 2014 6:22 PM, "Vasileios Vlachos" <vasileiosvlac...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  Hello All,
>> We have plans to add a second DC to our live Cassandra environment.
>> Currently RF=3 and we read and write at QUORUM. After adding DC2 we are
>> going to be reading and writing at LOCAL_QUORUM.
>> If my understanding is correct, when a client sends a write request, if
>> the consistency level is satisfied on DC1 (that is RF/2+1), success is
>> returned to the client and DC2 will eventually get the data as well. The
>> assumption behind this is that the the client always connects to DC1 for
>> reads and writes and given that there is a site-to-site VPN between DC1 and
>> DC2. Therefore, DC1 will almost always return success before DC2 (actually
>> I don't know if it is possible for DC2 to be more up-to-date than DC1 with
>> this setup...).
>> Now imagine DC1 looses connectivity and the client fails over to DC2.
>> Everything should work fine after that, with the only difference that DC2
>> will be now handling the requests directly from the client. After some
>> time, say after max_hint_window_in_ms, DC1 comes back up. My question is
>> how do I bring DC1 up to speed with DC2 which is now more up-to-date? Will
>> that require a nodetool repair on DC1 nodes? Also, what is the answer
>> when the outage is < max_hint_window_in_ms instead?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Vasilis
>> --
>> Kind Regards,
>> Vasileios Vlachos

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