There is one High Level Java client for Cassandra which supports CQL is
You can find it here

Other useful links are

How to use CQL

I hope it would help you.

On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Kevin Burton <> wrote:

> Looks like the java-driver is working on an object mapper:
> "More modules including a simple object mapper will come shortly."
> But of course I need one now …
> I'm curious what others are doing here.
> I don't want to pass around Row objects in my code if I can avoid it..
> Ideally I would just run a query and get back a POJO.
> Another issue is how are these POJOs generated.  Are they generated from
> the schema?  is the schema generated from the POJOs ?  From a side file?
> And granted, there are existing ORMs out there but I don't think any
> support CQL.
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Thanks and Regards
Kuldeep Kumar Mishra

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