My personal opinion is that unless you are doing map operations on a CQL3 map 
and will always intend to read the whole thing (you don’t have any choice 
today), don’t use one at all - use a blob of whatever variety makes sense (e.g. 
Json, AVRO, Protobuf etc)

On Jun 13, 2014, at 7:17 PM, Kevin Burton <> wrote:

> So the cassandra map support in CQL is nice but it's got me wanting deeper 
> nesting.
> For example { "foo": { "bar": "hello" } }
> … but that's not possible with CQL.
> Of course… one solution is something like avro, and then store your entire 
> record as a blob.
> I guess that's not TOO bad but that means all my data is somewhat opaque to 
> cqlsh.
> What are my options here?  What are you guys doing to work around this 
> problem?
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