Hello -

I have a use case where I need to run the Cassandra Server as an OSGi bundle. I 
have been able to embed all of the Cassandra dependencies in an OSGi bundle and 
run it on Karaf container, but I am not happy with the approach I have thus far.

Since CassandraDaemon has System.exit() calls in it, if these execute it will 
bring down my entire OSGi container rather than just the bundle Cassandra is 
running in. I hacked up a copy of CassandraDaemon enough to get it to run in 
the bundle with no System.exit() calls, but the Cassandra StorageService is not 
"aware" of it, i.e., I cannot call the StorageService.registerDaemon(...) 
method because my copy of CassandraDaemon does not extend Apache's. hence I am 
getting exceptions when I do shutdown my container or restart the bundle 
because the StorageService and my CassandraDaemon are not "linked".

I am considering trying to extend Apache's CassandraDaemon and override its 
setup() method with a SecurityManager that disables System.exit() calls. This 
too sounds "hacky".

Does anyone have any better suggestions? Or know of an existing open source 
project that has successfully embedded CassandraServer in an OSGi bundle?

I am using Cassandra v2.0.7 and am currently using CQL (vs. Thrift).

Thanks -


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