On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Aravindan T <aravinda...@tcs.com> wrote:

> 1. Only insertion of records are done since the cassandra started. But,
> when looked into the system.log messages, i see this following error.

> Now, could you please tell how the tombstone got created when there are no
> deletes executed

You stored a bunch of hints via hinted handoff. Then they got tombstoned.

> 2. How and where to monitor the current tombstone counts ?
> 3. done compaction, nodetool repair, increased the threshold count but
> still this tombstone is not getting resolved. How to resolve this issue?

Either major compact the hints columnfamily (might not be done by nodetool
compact because it's system keyspace) or :

1) nodetool drain
2) stop node
3) delete all sstables in system/hintscolumnfamily
4) start node
5) repair

You should also figure out why you're storing so many hints, and stop doing


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