On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Jens Rantil <jens.ran...@tink.se> wrote:

>  I am setting backup and restoration tooling for a Cassandra cluster and
> have a specific question regarding incremental backup.
> Let’s say I’m running incremental backups and take a snapshot. At the
> exact(ish) same time as my snapshot it taken another incremental *.db file
> is hard linked into the backups directory. My question is, how do I know
> which snapshot my incremental file belongs to?

Tablesnap avoids this race by snapshotting files directly from the data
directory, and backing it up with a meta-information file that contains a
list of all SSTables in the data directory at the time it notices a new
one. You can probably do something similar with the incremental snapshot
system, but you might want to consider if you need to. :D



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