Hi, This question is just for curiosity purposes, I don't need this in my solution, but it's something I was asking myself...
Is there a way of indexing the partition key values in Cassandra? Does anyone needed this and found a solution of any kind? For example, I know the sample bellow doesn't work, but would it be possible somehow? I know select * from testcf where token(key1) > token('Lucas'); works, but the question is ordering by the values, even using another CF or index of any kind... CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS testks WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testcf ( key1 varchar, value varchar, PRIMARY KEY ((key1))); CREATE INDEX testidx on testks.testcf (key1); insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Lucas', 'value1'); insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Luiz', 'value2'); insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Edu', 'value3'); insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Marcelo', 'value4'); select * from testcf order by key1; select * from testcf where key1 > 'Lucas'; Best regards, Marcelo.