On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Yatong Zhang <bluefl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Chris Lohfink I have 16G memory per node, all the other settings are
> default
> @J. Ryan Earl I am not sure. I am using the default settings.
> But I've found out it might be because some settings in
> '/etc/sysctl.conf'. I am still testing it

If JNA is installed, it will try to memlock all of the JVM process.  For
this to happen, you have to adjust the settings for the user you run
Cassandra as under /etc/security/limits.conf or limits.d/ and you have to
modifying kernel.shmmax in sysctl.conf accordingly.  If you do not, and JNA
is installed, the memlock will fail with the error you gave.

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