Hey all,

 I've just upgraded to the latest cassandra on my site with version 2.1.0.

But now when I run the command I am getting the following error:

[root@beta-new:/usr/local] #cqlsh
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/etc/alternatives/cassandrahome/bin/cqlsh-old", line 113, in
    from cqlshlib import cqlhandling, cql3handling, pylexotron
line 18, in <module>
    from cassandra.metadata import maybe_escape_name
ImportError: No module named cassandra.metadata

Just to clarify some of the above output, all my 'cqlsh' command does is
automatically fill in some values I'd like to use as defaults and then
invoke the real command which I've named 'cqlsh-old'. Just a quirk of my
setup that's always allowed cqlsh to be invoked without issue across
multiple upgrades.

[root@beta-new:/usr/local] #cat /etc/alternatives/cassandrahome/bin/cqlsh
/etc/alternatives/cassandrahome/bin/cqlsh-old beta-new.mydomain.com 9160

I'd appreciate any advice you  could spare on how to get around this error!


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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