Hello all,

I am trying to test my application using cassandra-unit with following
schema and data given below.

CREATE TABLE corpus.bigram_time_category_ordered_frequency (
    id bigint,
    word1 varchar,
    word2 varchar,
    year int,
    category varchar,
    frequency int,
    PRIMARY KEY((year, category),frequency,word1,word2));

year | category | frequency | word1            | word2       | id
 2014 |        N |         1 |            සියළුම |         යුද්ධ |   664
 2014 |        N |         1 |            එච් |       කාණ්ඩය | 12526
 2014 |        N |         1 |            ගජබා |     සුපර්ක්‍රොස් | 25779
 2014 |        N |         1 |              බී|       කාණ්ඩය | 12505

Since this has a compound primary key, I am not clear with how to define
dataset.json [1] for this CF. Can somebody help me on how to do that?

Thank You!


*Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.

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