I have been having a few exchanges with contributors to the project around what 
is possible with Cassandra and a common response that comes up when I describe 
functionality as broken or missing is that I am not modelling my data 
correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find comprehensive documentation on 
modelling with Cassandra. In particular, I am finding myself modelling by 
restriction rather than what I would like to do.

Does such documentations exist? If not, is there any effort to create such 
documentation?The DataStax documentation on data modelling is far too weak to 
be meaningful.

In particular, I am caught because:
1) I want to search on a specific column to make updates to it after further 
processing; ie I don't know its value on first insert
2) If I want to search on a column, it has to be part of the primary key3) If a 
column is part of the primary key, it cannot be edited so I have a circular 

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