​I was wondering if there is plan to allow ​creating counter column and
standard column in the same table.

Here is my use case:
I want to use counter to count how many users like a given item in my
application. The like count needs to be returned along with details of item
in query. To support querying items in different ways, I use both
application-maintained denormalized index tables and DSE search for
indexing. (DSE search is also used for text searching)

Since current counter implementation doesn't allow having counter columns
and non-counter columns in the same table, I have to propagate the current
count from counter table to the main item table and index tables, so that
like counts can be returned by those index tables without sending extra
requests to counter table and DSE search is able to build index on like
count column in the main item table to support like count related queries
(such as sorting by like count).

IMHO, the only way to sync data between counter table and normal table
within a reasonable time (sub-seconds) currently is to read the current
value from counter table right after the update. However it suffers from
several issues:
1. Read-after-write may not return the correct count when replication
factor > 1 unless consistency level ALL/LOCAL_ALL is used
2. There are two extra non-parallelizable round-trips between the
application server and cassandra, which can have great impact on

If it is possible to store counter in standard column family, only one
write will be needed to update like count in the main table. Counter value
will also be eventually synced between replicas so that there is no need
for application to use extra mechanism like scheduled task to get the
correct counts.

A related issue is lifting the limitation of not allowing updating counter
columns and normal columns in one batch, since it is quite common to not
only have a counter for statistics but also store the details, such as
storing the relation of which user likes which items in my user case.

Any idea?

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