Hey Jiri,

While I don't have any experience running 4TB nodes (yet), I would
recommend taking a look at a presentation by Arron Morton on large nodes:
to see if you can glean anything from that.

I would note that at the start of his talk he mentions that in version 1.2
we can now talk about nodes around 1 - 3 TB in size, so if you are storing
anything more than that you are getting into very specialised use cases.

If you could provide us with some more information about your cluster setup
(No. of CFs, read/write patterns, do you delete / update often, etc.) that
may help in getting you to a better place.


On 8 February 2015 at 21:10, Kevin Burton <bur...@spinn3r.com> wrote:

> Do you have a lot of individual tables?  Or lots of small compactions?
> I think the general consensus is that (at least for Cassandra), 8GB heaps
> are ideal.
> If you have lots of small tables it’s a known anti-pattern (I believe)
> because the Cassandra internals could do a better job on handling the in
> memory metadata representation.
> I think this has been improved in 2.0 and 2.1 though so the fact that
> you’re on 1.2.18 could exasperate the issue.  You might want to consider an
> upgrade (though that has its own issues as well).
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Jiri Horky <ho...@avast.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we are seeing quite high GC pressure (in old space by CMS GC Algorithm)
>> on a node with 4TB of data. It runs C* 1.2.18 with 12G of heap memory
>> (2G for new space). The node runs fine for couple of days when the GC
>> activity starts to raise and reaches about 15% of the C* activity which
>> causes dropped messages and other problems.
>> Taking a look at heap dump, there is about 8G used by SSTableReader
>> classes in org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.CompressedRandomAccessReader.
>> Is this something expected and we have just reached the limit of how
>> many data a single Cassandra instance can handle or it is possible to
>> tune it better?
>> Regards
>> Jiri Horky
> --
> Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com
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