"I am trying to get the state as of a particular transaction_time"

 --> In that case you should probably define your primary key in another
order for clustering columns

PRIMARY KEY (weatherstation_id,transaction_time,event_time)

Then, select * from temperatures where weatherstation_id = 'foo' and
event_time >= '2015-01-01 00:00:00' and event_time < '2015-01-02
00:00:00' and transaction_time = 'xxxx'

On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Raj N <raj.cassan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone designed a bi-temporal table in Cassandra? Doesn't look like I
> can do this using CQL for now. Taking the time series example from well
> known modeling tutorials in Cassandra -
> CREATE TABLE temperatures (
> weatherstation_id text,
> event_time timestamp,
> temperature text,
> PRIMARY KEY (weatherstation_id,event_time),
> If I add another column transaction_time
> CREATE TABLE temperatures (
> weatherstation_id text,
> event_time timestamp,
> transaction_time timestamp,
> temperature text,
> PRIMARY KEY (weatherstation_id,event_time,transaction_time),
> ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (event_time DESC, transaction_time DESC);
> If I try to run a query using the following CQL, it throws an error -
> select * from temperatures where weatherstation_id = 'foo' and event_time
> >= '2015-01-01 00:00:00' and event_time < '2015-01-02 00:00:00' and
> transaction_time < '2015-01-02 00:00:00'
> It works if I use an equals clause for the event_time. I am trying to get
> the state as of a particular transaction_time
> -Raj

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