First idea to eliminate any issue with regards to staled data: issue the
same count query with RF=QUORUM and check whether there are still

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Rumph, Frens Jan <> wrote:

> Hi Jens, Mikhail, Daemeon,
> Thanks for your replies. Sorry for my reply being late ... mails from the
> user-list were moved to the wrong inbox on my side.
> I'm in a development environment and thus using replication factor = 1 and
> consistency = ONE with three nodes. So the 'results from different nodes
> between queries' hypothesis seems unlikely to me. I would expect a timeout
> if some node wouldn't be able to answer.
> I tried tracing, but I couldn't really make any of it.
> For example I performed two select distinct ... from ... queries: Traces
> for both of them contained more than one line like 'Submitting range
> requests on ... ranges ...' and 'Submitted ... concurrent range requests
> covering ... ranges'. These lines occur with varying numbers, e.g. :
> Submitting range requests on 593 ranges with a concurrency of 75 (1.35
> rows per range expected)
> Submitting range requests on 769 ranges with a concurrency of 75 (1.35
> rows per range expected)
> Also when looking at the lines like 'Executing seq scan across ...
> sstables for ...' I saw that in one case which yielded way less partition
> keys that only the tokens from -9223372036854770000  to -594461978511041000
> were included. In a case which yielded much more partition keys, the entire
> token range did seem to be queried.
> To reiterate my initial questions: is this behavior to be expected? Am I
> doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?
> Best regards,
> Frens Jan
> On 4 March 2015 at 22:59, daemeon reiydelle <> wrote:
>> What is the replication? Could you be serving stale data from a node that
>> was not properly replicated (hints timeout exceeded by a node being down?)
>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Jens Rantil <> wrote:
>>> Frens,
>>> What consistency are you querying with? Could be you are simply
>>> receiving result from different nodes each time.
>>> Jens
>>> –
>>> Skickat från Mailbox <>
>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 7:08 PM, Mikhail Strebkov <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> We have observed the same issue in our production Cassandra cluster (5
>>>> nodes in one DC). We use Cassandra 2.1.3 (I joined the list too late to
>>>> realize we shouldn’t user 2.1.x yet) on Amazon machines (created from
>>>> community AMI).
>>>> In addition to count variations with 5 to 10% we observe variations for
>>>> the query “select * from table1 where time > '$fromDate' and time <
>>>> '$toDate' allow filtering” results. We iterated through the results
>>>> multiple times using official Java driver. We used that query for a huge
>>>> data migration and were unpleasantly surprised that it is unreliable. In
>>>> our case “nodetool repair” didn’t fix the issue.
>>>> So I echo Frens questions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mikhail
>>>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 3:55 AM, Rumph, Frens Jan <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Is it to be expected that select count(*) from ... and select distinct
>>>>> partition-key-columns from ... to yield inconsistent results between
>>>>> executions even though the table at hand isn't written to?
>>>>> I have a table in a keyspace with replication_factor = 1 which is
>>>>> something like:
>>>>>  CREATE TABLE tbl (
>>>>>     id frozen<id_type>,
>>>>>     bucket bigint,
>>>>>     offset int,
>>>>>     value double,
>>>>>     PRIMARY KEY ((id, bucket), offset)
>>>>> )
>>>>> The frozen udt is:
>>>>>  CREATE TYPE id_type (
>>>>>     tags map<text, text>
>>>>> );
>>>>> When I do select count(*) from tbl several times the actual count
>>>>> varies with 5 to 10%. Also when performing select distinct id, bucket from
>>>>> tbl the results aren't consistent over several query executions. The table
>>>>> is not being written to at the time I performed the queries.
>>>>> Is this to be expected? Or is this a bug? Is there a alternative
>>>>> method / workaround?
>>>>> I'm using cqlsh 5.0.1 with Cassandra 2.1.2 on 64bit fedora 21 with
>>>>> Oracle Java 1.8.0_31.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Frens Jan

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