What about this so
i read also some documents about storing blob with cassandra !!

2015-03-20 15:04 GMT+01:00 Michael Dykman <mdyk...@gmail.com>:

> You seem to be missing the point here.
> Cassandra does not manage files, it manages data in a highly distributed
> cluster.  If you are attempting to manage files, you are quite simply using
> the wrong tool and Cassandra is not for you.
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 9:10 AM, jean paul <researche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have used this tutoriel to create my data base
>> http://planetcassandra.org/insert-select-records/
>> /var/lib/cassandra/data# ls
>> demo  system  system_traces
>> :/var/lib/cassandra/data# cd demo/
>> :/var/lib/cassandra/data/demo# ls
>> users
>> :/var/lib/cassandra/data/demo# cd users/
>> :/var/lib/cassandra/data/demo/users# ls
>> :/var/lib/cassandra/data/demo/users#
>> i find nothing in /var/lib/cassandra/data/demo/users!
>> 2015-03-20 13:06 GMT+01:00 jean paul <researche...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hello All;
>>> Please,
>>> i have created this table.
>>> lastname | age | city          | email               | firstname
>>> ----------+-----+---------------+---------------------+-----------
>>> Doe |  36 | Beverly Hills |   jane...@email.com |      Jane     Byrne |
>>>   24 |     San Diego |  robby...@email.com |       Rob     Smith |  46 |
>>>     Sacramento | johnsm...@email.com |      John
>>> So, my question, where this data is saved ? in ./var/lib/cassandra/data ?
>>> My end goal is to store a file with cassandra and to see on which node
>>> my file is stored ?
>>> thanks a lot for help
>>> Best Regards.
> --
>  - michael dykman
>  - mdyk...@gmail.com
>  May the Source be with you.

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