Hi all,

In Cassandra 2.1.3 the code below is located in the class 
CassandraFamilyStore.java which is called when you do a snapshot. What I can se 
happens is that it first creates a snapshot manifest file correctly for a 
column family but than the loop returns a index which overrides the data that 
was written in the first iteration. Isn´t the code incorrect and the JSONArray 
should be located before the outer for-loop or some other solution so it does´t 
override content that has once been written?

From the call "concatWithIndexes()" I see it returns [CFS(Keyspace=’X', 
ColumnFamily='tempState'), CFS(Keyspace=’X', 
ColumnFamily='tempState.tempState_current_idx’)] and the first iteration writes 
correct data to the manifest.json and the second iteration overrides the data 
with a empty "filesJSONArr”.

Can somebody please confirm if this is a bug, or if I should write one?

//Kind Regards, Daniel

public void snapshotWithoutFlush(String snapshotName, Predicate<SSTableReader> 
        for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : concatWithIndexes())
            final JSONArray filesJSONArr = new JSONArray();
            try (RefViewFragment currentView = 
                for (SSTableReader ssTable : currentView.sstables)
                    if (ssTable.openReason == SSTableReader.OpenReason.EARLY || 
(predicate != null && !predicate.apply(ssTable)))

                    File snapshotDirectory = 
Directories.getSnapshotDirectory(ssTable.descriptor, snapshotName);
                    ssTable.createLinks(snapshotDirectory.getPath()); // hard 
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Snapshot for {} keyspace data file {} 
created in {}", keyspace, ssTable.getFilename(), snapshotDirectory);

                writeSnapshotManifest(filesJSONArr, snapshotName);

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