Ideally you'll be on the same network, but if you can't be, you'll need to
use the public ip in listen_address.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:47 AM Matthew Johnson <>

> Hi all,
> I have set up a Cassandra cluster with 2.1.4 on some existing AWS boxes,
> just as a POC. Cassandra servers connect to each other over their internal
> AWS IP addresses (172.x.x.x) aliased in /etc/hosts as sales1, sales2 and
> sales3.
> I connect to it from my local dev environment using the seed’s external
> NAT address (54.x.x.x) aliases in my Windows hosts file as sales3 (my seed).
> When I try to connect, it connects fine, and can retrieve some data (I
> have very limited amounts of data in there, but it seems to retrieve ok),
> but I also get lots of stacktraces in my log where my dev environment is
> trying to connect to Cassandra on the internal IP (presumably the Cassandra
> seed node tells my dev env where to look):
> *INFO  2015-04-20 16:34:14,808 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {main} Cluster - New
> Cassandra host sales3/54.x.x.142:9042 added*
> *INFO  2015-04-20 16:34:14,808 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {main} Cluster - New
> Cassandra host /172.x.x.237:9042 added*
> *INFO  2015-04-20 16:34:14,808 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {main} Cluster - New
> Cassandra host /172.x.x.170:9042 added*
> *Connected to cluster: Test Cluster*
> *Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: /172.x.x.170; Rack: rack1*
> *Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: sales3/54.x.x.142; Rack: rack1*
> *Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: /172.x.x.237; Rack: rack1*
> *DEBUG 2015-04-20 16:34:14,901 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {Cassandra Java Driver
> worker-0} Connection - Connection[sales3/54.x.x.142:9042-2, inFlight=0,
> closed=false] Transport initialized and ready*
> *DEBUG 2015-04-20 16:34:14,901 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {Cassandra Java Driver
> worker-0} Session - Added connection pool for sales3/54.x.x.142:9042*
> *DEBUG 2015-04-20 16:34:19,850 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {Cassandra Java Driver
> worker-1} Connection - Connection[/172.x.x.237:9042-1, inFlight=0,
> closed=false] Error connecting to /172.x.x.237:9042 (connection timed out:
> /172.x.x.237:9042)*
> *DEBUG 2015-04-20 16:34:19,850 [CASSANDRA-CLIENT] {Cassandra Java Driver
> worker-1} Connection - Defuncting connection to /172.x.x.237:9042*
> *com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException**: [/172.x.x.237:9042]
> Cannot connect*
> Does anyone have any experience with connecting to AWS clusters from dev
> machines? How have you set up your aliases to get around this issue?
> Current setup in sales3 (seed node) cassandra.yaml:
> *- seeds: "sales3"*
> *listen_address: sales3*
> *rpc_address: sales3*
> Current setup in other nodes (eg sales2) cassandra.yaml:
> *- seeds: "sales3"*
> *listen_address: sales2*
> *rpc_address: sales2*
> Thanks!
> Matt

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