Inserting a null value creates a tombstone. Tombstones can have major 
performance implications.
You can see the tombstones using sstable2json.
If you have a small number of records with null values this seems OK, otherwise 
I recommend using the QueryBuilder (for Java clients) and waiting for

From: Matthew Johnson []
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:37 AM
Subject: Inserting null values

Hi all,

I have some fields that I am storing into Cassandra, but some of them could be 
null at any given point. As there are quite a lot of them, it makes the code 
much more readable if I don’t check each one for null before adding it to the 

I can see a few Jiras around CQL 3 supporting inserting nulls:

But I have tested inserting null and it seems to work fine (when querying the 
table with cqlsh, it shows up as a red lowercase null).

Are there any obvious pitfalls to look out for that I have missed? Could it be 
a performance concern to insert a row with some nulls, as opposed to checking 
the values first and inserting the row and just omitting those columns?


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