free RAM:

free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         64398      23753      40644          0        108       8324
-/+ buffers/cache:      15319      49078
Swap:         2925         15       2909

 ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 515041
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 1024
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 515041
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited

Also attaching complete error file

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Anishek Agarwal <> wrote:

> the memory cassandra is trying to allocate is pretty small. you sure there
> is no hardware failure on the machine. what is the free ram on the box ?
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Rahul Bhardwaj <
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have cluster of 3 nodes with  64GB RAM each. My cluster was running in
>> healthy state. Suddenly one machine's cassandra daemon stops working and
>> shut down.
>> On restarting it after 2 minutes it again stops and is getting stop after
>> returning below error in cassandra.log
>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO:
>> os::commit_memory(0x00007fd064dc6000, 12288, 0) failed; error='Cannot
>> allocate memory' (errno=12)
>> #
>> # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to
>> continue.
>> # Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 12288 bytes for
>> committing reserved memory.
>> # An error report file with more information is saved as:
>> # /tmp/hs_err_pid23215.log
>> INFO  09:50:41 Loading settings from
>> file:/etc/cassandra/default.conf/cassandra.yaml
>> INFO  09:50:41 Node configuration:[authenticator=AllowAllAuthenticator;
>> authorizer=AllowAllAuthorizer; auto_snapshot=true;
>> batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb=5; batchlog_replay_throttle_in_kb=1024;
>> cas_contention_timeout_in_ms=1000; client_encryption_options=<REDACTED>;
>> cluster_name=Test Cluster; column_index_size_in_kb=64;
>> commit_failure_policy=stop;
>> commitlog_directory=/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog;
>> commitlog_segment_size_in_mb=64; commitlog_sync=periodic;
>> commitlog_sync_period_in_ms=10000; compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec=16;
>> concurrent_compactors=4; concurrent_counter_writes=32; concurrent_reads=32;
>> concurrent_writes=32; counter_cache_save_period=7200;
>> counter_cache_size_in_mb=null; counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms=5000;
>> cross_node_timeout=false; data_file_directories=[/var/lib/cassandra/data];
>> disk_failure_policy=stop; dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold=0.1;
>> dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms=600000;
>> dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms=100;
>> endpoint_snitch=GossipingPropertyFileSnitch; hinted_handoff_enabled=true;
>> hinted_handoff_throttle_in_kb=1024; incremental_backups=false;
>> index_summary_capacity_in_mb=null;
>> index_summary_resize_interval_in_minutes=60; inter_dc_tcp_nodelay=false;
>> internode_compression=all; key_cache_save_period=14400;
>> key_cache_size_in_mb=null; listen_address=null;
>> max_hint_window_in_ms=10800000; max_hints_delivery_threads=2;
>> memtable_allocation_type=heap_buffers; native_transport_port=9042;
>> num_tokens=256; partitioner=org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner;
>> permissions_validity_in_ms=2000; range_request_timeout_in_ms=1000000;
>> read_request_timeout_in_ms=999999999;
>> request_scheduler=org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.NoScheduler;
>> request_timeout_in_ms=999999999; row_cache_save_period=0;
>> row_cache_size_in_mb=0; rpc_address=null; rpc_keepalive=true;
>> rpc_port=9160; rpc_server_type=sync;
>> saved_caches_directory=/var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches;
>> seed_provider=[{class_name=org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider,
>> parameters=[{seeds=}]}];
>> server_encryption_options=<REDACTED>; snapshot_before_compaction=false;
>> ssl_storage_port=7001; sstable_preemptive_open_interval_in_mb=50;
>> start_native_transport=true; start_rpc=true; storage_port=7000;
>> thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb=15; tombstone_failure_threshold=100000;
>> tombstone_warn_threshold=1000; trickle_fsync=false;
>> trickle_fsync_interval_in_kb=10240; truncate_request_timeout_in_ms=60000;
>> write_request_timeout_in_ms=999999999]
>> ERROR 09:50:41 Exception encountered during startup
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
>>         at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at java.lang.Thread.start( ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.addWorker(
>> ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.ensurePrestart(
>> ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.delayedExecute(
>> ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
>> ~[na:1.7.0_60]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.DebuggableScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
>> ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper.start(
>> ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.prepareToJoin(
>> ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.initServer(
>> ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.initServer(
>> ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup(
>> [apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate(
>> [apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.main(
>> [apache-cassandra-2.1.2.jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT]
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
>>         at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
>>         at java.lang.Thread.start(
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.addWorker(
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.ensurePrestart(
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.delayedExecute(
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.DebuggableScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
>>         at org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper.start(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.prepareToJoin(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.initServer(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.initServer(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate(
>>         at
>> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.main(
>> Exception encountered during startup: unable to create new native thread
>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO:
>> os::commit_memory(0x00007fd459520000, 65536, 1) failed; error='Cannot
>> allocate memory' (errno=12
>> This is our production cluster and rest 2 nodes are still in healthy
>> state.
>> We have also changed heap size from 10G to 20 G but problem still
>> persists. Please help in finding the reason behind this.
>> Regards:
>> Rahul Bhardwaj
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>> this and more: <>
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